sambal ikan bilis

okeh..dis is my 1st time to prepare sambal ikan bilis..hee..u know me..b4 dis i hate to stay in the kitchen..i juz like 2

so,pg2 after wake up..nayli still tido lg..aku pon memulekn xtiviti..

actually b4 wat, da call my mum lu..n bertemankn dis book..


dis book byk membantu ok..espeacially for me yg br nk msk dpr ni..;p

tp salu nye ade je resepi yg di adjust skit..sbb xcukup bhn..hee

okey..jadi tau my sambal ikan bilis..



the taste is so nyum2 walaupn br 1st time wat..

yey!! berjaya!!

lpas 2 ade gak sup lupe nk snap la..;(

By miszhafiza Tagged

Cloth Diapers

i just want 2 review nayli’s stuff..

Im using the cloth diapers since nayli 1month..but not all the time la..juz try je..mase 2 terdetik..cloth diaper ni beso bebeno..xseswai tol ngan bby newborn..

so juz smpn jd pekasam je..i juz use pampers bese..mcm2 la i try..


lpas 2 br la rase pembaziran yg amat sgt..ingat murah ke pampers 2?

ive decide to use cloth diapers on siang,n night br la use pampers..bkn ape ble mlm mcm payah lak.. koleksi cloth diapers nayli..skit je..n i will buy more after dis..i promis..;0


aish..puas cari pic nayli using cd..xde plak..rupenye xpenah snap la..okeh,after dis ibu will snap ur pic nayli..:)

cek mek molek

hr ni wake early dgn smangat berkobar2 nk wat kueh cek mek molek..

hee..bgn pg rebus kledek..uli2 then bentukkn..alamak!payah juge rupenye..melekat2 kat tgn..then nk mskkn gule lg..

bese la,bl 1st time mmg la haru biru skit..time ngah menguli,time 2 juge la bby nayli bgn..mnangis..amek die change her diaper,then aku ltk tilam die kat die ngk aku wat keje..huhu.. la cek mek molekku..walaupn sbenaye rupenye x molek..LOL


yg penting jd..practice make perfect..;)

By miszhafiza Tagged

nayli’s 1st solid food baby da try her solid food at 5months++..

cant wait until 6 months..;(..bcoz she look hungry when she see her ibu mamam..heh..nayli oh nayli ..

her 1st solid food is banana puree..she seem likes the taste..hee..goid girl..mmg die so letak sudu kat mulut trus membaham dgn rakusnye..haha



so nayli da try banana n epal..n tomorrow is carrot..mknn nayli handmade dr ibu tau..xnk la gune nestum or whateve instant food for baby..
kalu wat sendri lgĀ  berkatkn..;)